Eclectic, elegant contemporary setting 

Amaya’s dining room is devoted to its open kitchen, which envelop the space and invite diners into the fold enticingly.

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With its pink Agra sandstone walls, crystal lighting, and rosewood furniture, Amaya is light and bright by day and invitingly moody by night.

Crystal lighting hangs overhead, twinkling in the daytime sun and reflective at night.

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The room is framed by the chefs, with the tandoors, tawa, and sigree grills surrounding the seating area, flames jumping and chefs carefully choreographing every move.

Moodily lit with burnt tangerine-toned lamplight … Kerala rosewood tables and shadowy Bengal terracotta sculptures flank centre stage: the smoking, spitting charcoal grills
Food and Travel 2020
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It's not only the grills that catch the eye: the pink sandstone walls are also a backdrop for imposing, ornamental sculptures, and brightly coloured murals depicting wildlife and outdoor scenery from around India.